

Boy's Birthday's

Back in October it was both Maxime and Camille's birthday's. They're exactly a year and a day apart, with Maxime turning six on 20th and Camille five on the twenty-first.

As the house wasn't finished enough for us to have a birthday party of sorts, I wanted to make sure their cake's were really special.
Maxime loves caramel and I saw a great idea on Pinterest to make mini Toffee Apples which would go great on top of a Dorset apple cake (recipe courtesy of my Mum and Nan) with caramel icing.  It worked great to start with, but as I couldn't find glycerin, the toffee kind of melted.
It didn't look as I had wanted it to, but Maxime still seemed to love it.
Cheesy happy Birthday Boy with a grumpy looking Harold in the background!
I was quite surprised as I thought Maxime would be overly excitable considering he is as much of a drama queen as I am, but he was quite laid back about the day.
Camille, however... was a little monster!
He had a Nutella cake with cake bunting that I had made.

And he just smiled and giggled all evening!

I love this picture so much. I really love these boys. So, so much! If only Camille was looking at the camera!
The boys had giant wooden games from Elsa, and although Pick-up-Sticks was Camille's present, Maxime has a bit more of an attention span and it turned into Josie, Camille and Ed playing with bubbles to try and keep them distracted and Camille running off with the sticks, or Ed poking everyone's eye's out!

I was the only one staying at the house at this point as we were waiting for some things to be finished, but as the boys didn't have school the next day they had a sleepover with me at our house and they all passed out in Estelle and Harold's room. Three sleeping boy's. I just can't deal with this much cuteness!!!!!

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